VI Session of the 2021/2022 eddition of the Academy of Young Diplomats
We are proud to announce that over the past weekend, the VI Session of the 2021/2022 Edition of the Academy of Young Diplomats (AYD) took place focusing on topics related to Science Diplomacy. The organization of the Session was possible thanks to the support and cooperation from our long-term partners from InsSciDE. By discussing the intersectionality of the two fields, AYD participants attended the insightful and engaging lectures by the Special Guests Dr. Małgorzata Śmieszek and Prof. Katarzyna Pisarska. The program for this session centered on how Science Diplomacy can help address global challenges. The “Lessons from the Arctic” presented by Dr. Śmieszek highlighted how leaders can bring science to advance their diplomatic agenda and how diplomacy can contribute to scientific progress.
The second day of the April Session started with the lecture on “Women Leadership” presented by Prof. Katarzyna Pisarska where participants learned and discussed the role of women as leaders in various fields at the global level. The plenary session of the day was divided in two parts; the first part covered controversial topics including “Gender Equality in Science Diplomacy”, “Postcolonialism and Science Diplomacy in the Global South” and “Oceans Science Diplomacy” presented by distinguished trainers members of our partner organization of the session, InsSciDE. The second part of the day included discussion on topics as “Faith-based Organizations in Environmental Diplomacy & Cultural Heritage Protection”, “Climate Diplomacy & Youth in Science Diplomacy” and “Global Health & Vaccine Diplomacy”. Further, participants shared their diverse opinions and understanding of the topics in interactive breakout group discussions, exploring and expanding their arguments.
During the third day of the VI session of the Academy of Young Diplomats 2021/2022 edition, participants attended Specialization Classes focused on contemporary topics in the world of diplomacy which were presented by two outstanding lecturers, Mr. Paweł Potoroczyn and Mr. Adam Jarczyński. Through the “Cultural Diplomacy” workshop participants observed how culture is an integral part of the collective identity of a community and the significant role it plays in establishing and developing cultural and political relations. Correspondingly, “Nation Branding” workshop was centered on people’s relation and perception of a certain nation/culture to which a specific brand belongs.
#FutureLeaders #AYD