If you are human, leave this field blank.Name *Surname *Email *Phone *Country *Are you a diplomat? *Position *Mother tongue *Other known languages *How long are you staying in Poland? *What topics would you like to cover during the course (e.g. politics, cultural events, about Poland and Poles)? *Invoice detailsCommentsHow do You know about the course? *newsletter EAD/FKPfrom diplomats.plfacebookfriends leafletMinistry of Foreign Affaris of Poland note otherWhat is your level of Polish language (in your opinion)? *A1 Breakthrough (first contact with Polish language)A2 Waystage (Elementary/Pre-intermediate)B1 Threshold (Intermediate)B2 Vantage (upper/post-intermediate)C1 Operational proficiency (Advanced)C2 Mastery (Nearly native-speaker level) I agree to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (Journal of Laws No. 133, item 833). * I agree to the processing of my personal data I declare that I have read the Terms and Conditions of Open Training and accept itYesPlease add me to the list of EAD Newsletter subscribers.YesSubmit