Specialization *

Please note that all the Specialization are conducted fully in English and participants are required to have at least a C1 level in the mentioned language (no certificate is required).

Personal information *


The Candidate is solely responsible for securing a visa. EAD does not cover any costs and does not provide any assistance in the process of obtaining a visa. Candidates are encouraged to start their visa application procedure as soon as possible, after the acceptance to the Program. In case of visa being rejected Participant is requested to inform EAD immediately. The reimbursement procedures are clearly defined in the Rules and Regulations for AYD Participants 2024/2025 document.

Education *

Please choose your language level below on a scale from A1 to C2, where A1 is the begginer and C2 is the proficient knowledge of the language. You can access full desscription of the scale by clicking this link
Example: French B2, German C1

Professional experience

Motivation *

Data processing consent *

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The scholarships are not guaranteed and will be awarded based on the interview, CV, motivation letter, and financial need.Please do not submit this application if you intend to apply for a scholarship; otherwise, your scholarship application will be disregarded.Visit our scholarship page to apply for a scholarship.
I consent for my personal data (including: image recorded in the photograph and video, name and surname, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, citizenship, education, professional experience, language skills) to be processed by the European Academy of Diplomacy seated at Oleandrow 6, 00-629 Warsaw, for the purposes of recruitment and promotion of the Academy of Young Diplomats Program. The above consent is expressed voluntarily and can be withdrawn at any time.