II Session of the Academy of Young Diplomats 2021/2022 is over!

II Session of the Academy of Young Diplomats 2021/2022 is over!


The European Academy of Diplomacy is honored to announce that the II Session of the 2021/2022 edition of the Academy of Young Diplomats has come to an end with great success. In the framework of the World Forum for Democracy side-events, the session was co-organized with the Visegrad School of Political Studies as well as the Council of Europe, and dedicated to the World challenges in 2022.

105 participants from 47 countries that conform the 2021/2022 cohort of the Academy of Young Diplomats, had the opportunity to participate in a Leadership Lecture with Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga (President of the Republic of Latvia from 1999 until 2007). Attendees had the honor to hear from firsthand experience the views of Madam President on the topic of “Europe in 2022: biggest challenges and the role of leaders”, as well as to engage in a Q&A session. The Leadership Lecture was moderated by Prof. Katarzyna Pisarska.

On the second day of the Session, participants started their morning with a Global Talk conducted by Eteri Buziashvili on the topic of “Disinformation as a challenge of the present and future”. Ms. Buziashvili is a Research Assistant for the Caucasus at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab based in Georgia. Further, participants were able to choose from three different workshops i.e “Climate Change challenge – Diplomacy perspective” conducted by Ana Maria Kleymeyer, “Terrorism and the role of media” by Dr. Katarzyna Maniszewska and “Humanitarian Aid – answer to migration challenges or a challenge itself?” delivered by Dr. Patrycja Grzebyk. The day was concluded by Ms. Natalia Czajkowska (Director of the European Academy of Diplomacy) during a wrap-up meeting.

Ana Maria Kleymeyer is an International law and policy advisor working for the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, the UNDP, UN Environment, UN Climate Change Learning platform (UN-CCLearn), UN Institute for Research and Training, and UN Economic Commission for Europe’s International Water Convention office.

Dr. Katarzyna Maniszewska is the vice-rector for international cooperation at Collegium Civitas, Program Director at the Polish-American Freedom Foundation, and author of two books “Terrorism and the media” and “Forerunners of the European terrorism: Red Army Faction”.

Dr. Patrycja Grzebyk is the director of the Network on Humanitarian Action at the University of Warsaw, and Head of the grant of the Polish National Science Center “Effectiveness of requests for advisory opinions to the International Court of Justice and of advisory opinions as such in international relations”.


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