Dariusz Bilski
Director | Head of Executive Education
Master of Science in Politics and Administration. He completed bachelor’s and master’s studies in the field of “Eastern Studies” as part of the East European Studies at the University of Warsaw. He devoted his diploma theses to the eastern policy of the Polish government and Polish-Russian relations. Associated with the Executive Education Department of the European Academy of Diplomacy since 2018. In the Foundation, he performed the following functions: sales specialist, consultant, training coordinator and Head of the Department. He collaborates with the Casimir Pulaski Foundation (CPF) – the largest security and defense think tank in Poland (according to the GTTT Index Report) and a partner organization of the Council of Europe. During the largest security conference in the region – Warsaw Security Forum, he acts as the head of the unit responsible for the diplomatic protocol of the event. His interests include: international politics and diplomacy, political history of the Poland, political marketing, football.