Malwina Bakalarska

Malwina Bakalarska

Komunikacja międzykulturowa i organizacja pracy w środowiskach wielokulturowych

Malwina Bakalarska PhD –   a certified trainer of intercultural communication, multicultural management and customer service of European, African, Asian and Arab markets. All of her trainings for the business sector, public administration and universities are based on author’s own research carried out at the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures for the Polish Academy of Science. […]

Malwina Bakalarska PhD –   a certified trainer of intercultural communication, multicultural management and customer service of European, African, Asian and Arab markets. All of her trainings for the business sector, public administration and universities are based on author’s own research carried out at the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures for the Polish Academy of Science. Furthermore, she conducts business workshops of Intercultural Communication at Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw. She completed numerous trainings on mentoring of foreigners as well as non-violent communication (Center for Non-violent Communication). She took part in British Council projects dedicated to the integration of foreigners in Poland. Moreover, she is the author of numerous publications in the field of multiculturalism, as well as the editor of the first in Poland "Guide to African markets", ed. BNP Paribas 2018. She publishes expert texts in the New Markets section of the “Rzeczpospolita” website. Additionally, she often provides her observations on events from African countries in the popular media (including Polskie Radio, Radio TOK Fm, Polsat News, TVN 24). She is a member of the SIETAR Poland association (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research). She is also indexed to the Polish database In addition to conducting her classes in English and Polish, she communicates in French and Chinese, while currently she is learning Arabic.