Wojciech Wróblewski

Wojciech Wróblewski

Ambassador to Estonia (2001 - 2005)


Graduate in sociology (Jagiellonian University). His research focused on the theory of social movements, social groups and research into youth organizations. Author of a dozen published scientific articles and research reports. Since 1972, a Scout Instructor, he was a member of the Polish Scouting Association (ZHP), and was also a member of the ZHP General Council. He participated in the Round Table.

He was the chairman of the Council of the Town and Community of Niepołomice city.

After the change of regime, he was an advisor and press spokesman of the Minister of the Interior (1990-1992), then a counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Lithuania and the first director of the Polish Institute in Vilnius (1992-1997). He supervised works on renovating and commemorating the national memorial sites in Lithuania, including the renovation of the military headquarters at the Rossa cemetery. For this activity he has been awarded the Gold Medal of the National Memorial of Remembrance.

Advisor to the Chief of Police (1997-1998). Advisor to the Minister of the Interior and Administration (1998-2001). He directed teams preparing the Government Security Improvement Program and inter-ministerial team analyzing the possibilities of building a digital trunking system in Poland for public sector services. In the years 2001-2005 he served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland in Estonia.

In the years 2005-2009 strategy advisor in the Polish Oil Company Orlen. From 2009 to 2016 he sat on the Council of the PZU Foundation. President of the Foundation Council Helping Poles in the East. Member of the Council of the Łazienki Museum.