Program XV edycji AMD Harmonogram XV edycji AMD By EAD Poniżej znajdą Państwo program XIV edycji. Program XIV edycji AMD gru 02 INAUGURATION CEREMONY At 15:00 Czackiego 3/5, Warsaw gru 15 I SESSION | The New Global Role of China At 18:00 The National School of Public Administration | Wawelska 56 sty 12 II SESSION | Study Session in Cracow At 00:00 Kraków Krupnicza 33a lut 02 III SESSION | Leadership in the Corporate World At 09:00 The National School of Public Administration | Wawelska 56 mar 02 IV SESSION | Leadership in Public Administration At 09:00 The National School of Public Administration | Wawelska 56 mar 23 V SESSION | Women Leadership At 09:00 The National School of Public Administration | Wawelska 56 kwi 13 VI SESSION | Skills Masterclass Session At 09:00 The National School of Public Administration | Wawelska 56 maj 11 VII SESSION | Diplomacy in practice At 18:00 The National School of Public Administration | Wawelska 56 cze 08 VIII SESSION | Leadership in Politics At 18:00 The National School of Public Administration | Wawelska 56