
EU Economics

Course Overview:

The course provides a comprehensive examination of the processes of European economic integration and a critical analysis of the EU policies in their broader political-economic context.

Key Topics:

  • Economic and Monetary Union, including the Single Market;
  • Different dimensions of European Union economic policies, including:
  • EU Trade Policy,
  • EU Regional Policy,
  • EU Competition Policy.
  • The financial and economic crises in Europe.

 Learning Methodology:

The course takes a balanced approach, with theory and practice complementing each other to facilitate the learning experience. The course is highly interactive in nature, based on a mixture of lectures and hand-on components. More than 50% of the time will be dedicated to case-studies and students’ presentations to put the knowledge gained by the participants in a practical context and demonstrate the primordial importance of economic integration for the future of the European Union as a whole.

Program Benefits:

 Upon the completion of the program, the participants will:

  • acquire a thorough understanding of the economic integration process in the EU;
  • understand the different dimensions of EU economic policies, among which are trade, regional and competition;
  • be able to analyze and critically assess economic developments within the European Union;
  • comprehend and critically analyze the impact and the role of the EU on the world economy.
  • master the practice of public presentations and discussion, including preparing Policy Briefs.