Public Speaking

8 lipca, 2019
1 day


Zuzanna Mazurek
Skuteczna komunikacja, storytelling, podnoszenie efektywności w zespole
Mona Shair
Founder & CEO, Key2advance, Germany

“It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech”, Mark Twain once said. Today, we may not have that much time, as our world „spins much faster” than that of Twain and his contemporaries. One thing remains true however, if you want to sound natural, almost carefree and be perceived as someone who can deliver a good speech at almost any time, you need to be well-prepared.

During the Public Speaking and Speech Writing training, we will dive into the qualities that make a speech memorable, or simply good. We will also dwell on how to prepare a speech in writing and not to forget that it is primarily an oral art. We will experiment with storytelling as a means of building rapport with the audience.

As we meet to explore and learn, you will also have an opportunity to practice your speeches in “laboratory environment”. And finally, we will work on fear or stress that usually accompanies speakers and on beliefs that may hamper your full success.

Aim: To understand and practice the four most important pillars needed to maximize one`s impact when speaking to an audience. At the end of the training, clients will have understood their preferred communication style and gained awareness on how to connect with various audiences and leave a lasting impression. The training is exercise intensive and covers the importance of structure, voice, body language and presence.

Remember: Only 7% of inter-personal impact comes from content alone! 55% is body language and 38% tone of voice (Albert Merhabian`s communication rule)! In addition to being an expert in a certain field, the secret to influence lies in knowing how to convey different messages to a variety of audiences.

Results: Charisma (emotional expressiveness), successful management of nerves, recognition for expertise and transmission of trust and competence when speaking.

Depending on the development needs, a training would encompass the following:

  • Managing nerves: Taming the inner critic!

Building confidence and a positive attitude towards public speaking

  • Attention: Learn the secrets to powerful and dynamic presence!

Nonverbal communication: eye contact, hand movements, use of silence and strong presence

                               Framing: powerful openings and conclusions

                     Voice: practice intonation, projection, pausing, and articulation
                             Aim: to speak at resonance with clarity and enough power

  • Meaning: The brain processes meaning before details!

    Know your audience: learn how to assess and connect with diverse groups

    What is your purpose: delivering key messages with clarity

    Meta-Programs: participants understand personal information chunk

    preference (ex. if they tend to give too much/too little information)

  • Multi-Sensory: Captivate your audience with a multi-layered presentation!
    Self-assessment: discover what preferred communication filters you have

                   How to spice up your talks: maximize impact by using  multi-sensory communication

  • Emotion: Emotionally stimulating presentations are best remembered!
    Identifying presentation styles according to Carl Jung’s typological approach:

  Learning about self and audience perception using typology cards

  Explanations of typologies in a public speaking setting

  • Keyword placements: It is not only WHAT we say, but HOW we say it!

  • Mastering different types of speeches/messages:               

                 Practice the following speech types (voice, gestures and facial expressions):

      • conveying serious messages (convincing)

      • motivational/inspirational

      • building trust


Price: 590 PLN / 140 EUR