School of Advanced Diplomatic Skills

- Multilateral negotiations - Public diplomacy - Social media campaigns - Team building and management - Advanced public speaking

The School of Advanced Diplomatic Skills (SADS) is designed for young and mid-career professionals from the international business, diplomatic and third sector. SADS builds on previously acquired soft skills and presents an expanded set of topics that are designed to further prepare participants for the challenges and rigors of diplomacy, international business and working in multinational organizations in the 21st century.


  • Multilateral negotiations
  • Policy advising
  • Advanced public speaking
  • Social media campaigns
  • Public diplomacy
  • Advanced diplomatic protocol and etiquette

To apply for the School of Advanced Diplomatic Skills, please fill in the online application form and submit a current CV (in Europass format).


375 € without accommodation

575 € with accommodation (same gender, double occupancy rooms)

The registration fee includes 5 days of the courses, materials, coffee breaks, lunches, social events and diploma. All participants are expected to arrange their own travel and visas if necessary.