Dr. Bartłomiej E.Nowak
Member of the National Council of European Integration (2002-2004), Head of Vice president Office, foreign policy advisor at European Parliament (2004-2009), Executive Director at the Center for International Relations in Warsaw (2010-2013), Research Fellow (2013-2014), Chair of International Relations at the Vistula University(2014-2017), Policy Leaders Fellow (2018), President of the Vistula University.
Dr. Milena Drzewiecka
Academic teacher, Psychologist and Former political TV news reporter
Dr. Milena Drzewiecka – academic teacher, psychologist and former political TV news reporter with several years of international experience. Trainer and expert in the field of leadership, image and communication. A graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw, Psychology and Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies at the University of Social […]
Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska
Dorota Kabat
Trener biznesu
Trener biznesu, coach, konsultant z ponad 16-letnim doświadczeniem. Zrealizowała ponad 3000 dni szkoleniowych. Z wykształcenia pedagog i psycholog. Posiada certyfikat UGW w zakresie Treningu Pamięci i Koncentracji, Pracitioner in the Art of NLP, Międzynarodowy Certyfikat Beauty for All Seasons w stopniu trenerskim. Członek Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologii Procesu. Od 2008 Certyfikowany Coach ICF. Posiada akredytowany certyfikat N.E.W.S […]
David Koshel
W EAD trener z zakresu negocjacji w środowisku międzynarodowym.
Ekspert w dziedzinie budowania kapitału ludzkiego, menadżer z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w prowadzeniu szkoleń dla dyplomatów i urzędników państwowych w zakresie dyplomacji wielostronnej, umiejętności negocjacyjnych, dobrego zarządzania oraz funkcjonowania Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych. Pracował w ONZ, Transparency International oraz Parlamencie i MSZ Republiki Federalnej Niemiec.
Dominik P. Jankowski
ministry of foreign affairs of poland
Dominik P. Jankowski is a security policy expert, diplomat, think-tanker and social media aficionado. Currently he serves as Head of OSCE and Eastern Security Unit at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. Previously he served as Chief Specialist for Crisis Management at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2014-2016), Expert Analyst and […]
Dariusz Wawrzeniecki
Motivation and preparation for selection procedures trainer.
Psychologist, facilitator, and personal development coach. Vice-president of a company specializing in human resources counseling People Sp. z o.o. (1998-2002), senior consultant of Mercer Human Capital Coach (2002-06). Lecturer on efficiency in management and human resources policy in the Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Dominik Mierzejewski
Negocjacje, Różnice międzykulturowe
Ph.D. Ph. D. in humanities, professor at the DEAS, studies at the Shanghai International Studies University (1999-2000, 2003-2004), internship in the Heritage Foundation (2003), Jan Karski scholarship by the American Center of Polish Culture (2003), visiting professor in the Chinese Academy of Social Science granted by the Polish Foundation for Science (2010-2011), member of: Association for […]
David Koschel
Negotiations in international environment trainer.
Trainer, capacity building expert and manager with in-depth experience in designing and delivering executive training for diplomats and other government officials. With work experience in the UN, at Transparency International, the German Foreign Ministry and the German Parliament. He worked as facilitator of courses with large audiences.