


Andrew Buchanan

Communications Specialist, Consultant, Coach & Trainer

Andrew Buchanan is an experienced and certified professional coach with a focus on Executive and Career Coaching. He received his Master’s Degree in Occupational Psychology from the I-WHO department at Nottingham University and was certified as an Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC). Mr. Buchanan has […]

Anna Prochenka

Polish Language Trainer

Graduate of Polish Philology in the University of Warsaw and  Postgraduate studies- Glottodidactics. Graduate  of Academy of Young Diplomats. She has various year of experience in teaching Polish different groups at Collegium Civitas, European Academy of Diplomacy and many international companies. She provides methodical consultations at the Folk High School of Greifswald. She takes part in […]

Adam Daniel Rotfeld

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and former director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

Agata Szkiela

Senior lecturer of intercultural dimension of diplomacy and cultural differences in business environment

An orientalist fascinated and specialized in cultures and civilizations of the East, translator, journalist, traveler, and a longtime intercultural business trainer and lecturer with fifteen years of professional experience in a multicultural diplomatic environment and UN structures. CEO of the Polish-Canadian Translating Cultures enterprise for the past 11 years. Associated with the European Academy of Diplomacy since 2005, providing […]

Adam Bodnar

Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Poland (2015-2021)


Anna Jaśkiewicz

Lektor języka angielskiego

Magister filologii angielskiej, absolwentka Wydziału Neofilologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Ukończyła kurs metodyczny w International Teacher Training Institute w Hastings w Wielkiej Brytanii.Współautorka specjalistycznego programu kursów dla dyplomatów oraz autorka programu kursu dla aplikantów sejmowych. Egzaminator i lektor języka angielskiego w Ministerstwie Spraw Zagranicznych. Lektor języka angielskiego w pierwszej Akademii Dyplomatycznej MSZ. Lektor szefa Kancelarii Prezydenta RP i pracowników Kancelarii […]

Adam Balcer

Balkans, Turkey and the Commonwealth of Independent States trainer.

He is Programme Director “The EU and the new global contract” at demosEUROPA – Centre for European Strategy. He graduated from the Centre for East European Studies (M.A) and in the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, the University of Warsaw. Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate and lecturer at the Centre for East European […]

Adam Jarczyński

Director of the Polish Academy of Public Relations and the Polish Academy of Protocol and Etiquette.

Adam Jarczyński, partner at the Polish Academy of Protocol and Etiquette. Professionally associated with business and social etiquette, as well as PR and branding. He writes books for managers and children. Adam offers his consulting experience to a wide group of Clients – from international companies to individuals. Autor of a blog concerning good manners […]

Andrzej Kropiwnicki

Wystąpienia publiczne

Współzałożyciel agencji PR Alfa Communications. Doradca w sytuacjach kryzysowych, wykładowca, trener medialny, specjalista ds. wystąpień publicznych. Konsultant PR z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w takich branżach jak healthcare, motoryzacja, FMCG czy relacje inwestorskie.

Andrzej Braiter

Ambassador to Angola, Sao Tome and Principe (1997 - 2003 ), Belize, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador (2005 - 2008)


Andrzej Byrt

Ambassador to Germany (1996 - 2001, 2002 - 2006)


Andrzej Krzeczunowicz

Permanent Representative to NATO, WEU, Ambassador to Belgium & Luxemburg (1992 - 1997)


Agnieszka Morawińska

Ambassador to Australia (1993 - 1997)