
English courses (online)

Semestralne kursy językowe


October 14, 2024
60 hours

The European Academy of Diplomacy is offering Foreign Language Courses. The courses are intended for those who wish to expand their language skills with particular emphasis on politics, economy, international affairs and media issues. Therefore, they are the perfect choice for diplomats, as well as professionals in fields such as international business, public administration, and the third sector. Classes are held twice a week (for a total of 60 academic hours) by teachers experienced in working for the MFA. Groups consist of up to 12 students. We are conveniently located in the centre of Warsaw at the headquarters of the EAD (Oleandrów 6 St.). Each course concludes with granting a certificate to each participant.

Currently we provide English language courses on levels B2 and C1:

  • group B2: tuesdays/thursdays (start of the new semester: 12 March 2024)

  • group C1: mondays/wednesdays (start of the new semester: 11 March 2024)

Course fee:

  • one-time fee 1400 PLN

  • payment in 2 instalments: 1600 PLN (2 x 800 PLN)

  • special price for diplomats: 1200 PLN



If you have any questions do not hestitate to contact us at: szkolenia@diplomats.pl.

We offer courses of: English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian

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