Intensive workshop introducing participants to the complexities of the art of negotiation. The course consists of a short introductory section followed by a very intensive workshop led by the trainer during which participants train their negotiation skills and learn new negotiation techniques in practice. Rather than overwhelming participants with raw theories, we emphasize above all practice with a specialist in the field and helping better understand the context within which we will be holding conversations.
Negotiation is a vital skill for positions linked with sales, contact with clients, and project leaders and managers, among other roles. The awareness and success of a person conducting negotiations depends upon factors such as interpersonal skills, business results obtained during the process – their increase or decrease or individual costs incurred (emotions, stress) of people dedicated to this process.
As a result of this we divide negotiation skills into two categories:
- Interpersonal skills – awareness of your emotions and effective management of them, the way you think and the resulting automatic habits of action.
- Negotiation skills – key techniques, adapted to the situation and negotiating partner, ensuring the achievement of optimal goals for each party.
Aim of the workshop
The aim of the workshop is to gain knowledge on cultural differences in negotiations and to acquire the ability to ‘navigate’ in an intercultural environment.
After the training participants should:
- Know how national culture influences communication and work in an international environment
- Be able to prepare effectively for intercultural negotiations
- Be aware of cultural similarities and differences in negotiations with representatives of specific countries
- Know how to deal with conflicts resulting from cultural differences
- Know how to use cultural similarities to build understandings and relationships.
- Negotiations as joint decision making
- The cultural dimension in negotiations
- Model of intercultural communication allowing ‘navigation’ in an intercultural environment: Linear-active / Multi-active / Reactive
- Application of the model’s tools to intercultural communication and negotiation
The workshop is dedicated primarily to businessmen, sales representatives, administration employees, people involved in sales, customer relations, project leaders and managers. The workshop will facilitate the work of those who are responsible for contacts with clients, smoothing disputes and establishing agreements.
The workshop is conducted mainly in the form of presentations and discussions with participants (self-reflection). The workshop will also use certain elements with the aim of increasing the participants’ awareness of their own values and preferences, which should facilitate movement and work in an intercultural environment. The training will also use a negotiation game and practical exercises.
The main tool is the LMR model developed by Richard Lewis. The model allows for a simple and accurate way to predict potential conflicts as well as find common points between different national cultures.
6 didactic hours. The training will start at 9:00 am and end at 3:00 pm.
After completing the training, each participant will receive a Certificate from the European Academy of Diplomacy.
Price: 590 PLN + VAT = 725.70 PLN.
Registration open until all spots are filled.
We request you make the payment in order to complete registration for the workshop. Only paying the fee guarantees a place in the workshop.
Bank transfer details:
European Academy of Diplomacy
Oleandrów 6, 00-629 Warsaw
account number: 48 1050 1025 1000 0090 8039 4944
title: “International negotiations – name and surname”
This workshop is a starting point for the following specialized trainings:
- Advanced negotiations
- Negotiation techniques’ workshops
- Negotiations in an international context
- Public negotiations
- Mediation and conflict resolution