
After completing the course, participants should:

  • know different negotiation strategies and tactics;

  • unerstand how and why different negotiating strategies led to different outcomes;

  • know main conceptual frameworks to diagnose problems in negotiations.

After completing the course, participants should be able to:

  • prepare for negotiations;

  • perform pre-negotiation analysis in evaluating options available in particular negotiation situation;

  • diagnose general and specific problems in negotiations;

  • identify own individual strengths and weaknesses as a negotiator;

  • communicate effectively in negotiations;

  • solve problems through negotiations;

  • improve team-working skills in a team of negotiators.

Although the course in negotiation (level 1) has universal dimension, participants have an opportunity to experience, reflect on, and learn about cross-cultural dimension in negotiations by participating in a crosscultural negotiation projects.



  1. Introduction to negotiations. Conflict and strategies of behaviour in conflict situation. Success in negotiations.

  2. Negotiation and decision making in the situation of conflict. Simulation game 1.

  3. Preparation for negotiations: interests, issues, BATNA, criteria, proposals, relationships. Simulation game 2.

  4. Interests in negotiations. Power in negotiations. Persuasion. Simulation game 3.

  5. Creating and claiming value in negotiations. Concessions in negotiations. Simulation game 4.

  6. Perception, emotions and communication in negotiations. Principled negotiations. Simulation game 5.

  7. Dirty tactics in negotiations. Ethics in negotiations. Full, open, trustful exchange. Simulation game 6.


Szymon Wierciński