Diplomatic Protocol in Poland

Diplomatic Protocol in Poland

1 day


Jan Wojciech Piekarski
Były Przewodniczący Rady Ambasadorów, Ambasador w Pakistanie (1984 - 1989), Belgii & Luksemburgu (1998 - 2002) & Izraelu (2003 - 2006)


Warszawa, Oleandrów 6   View map

Diplomatic Protocol in Poland

We would like to invite you to a unique training course: Diplomatic Protocol in Poland and in the European Union ran by an experienced trainer and professional in this field: ambassador Jan Wojciech Piekarski. Do not miss the opportunity for an intense acquiring of the knowledge necessary to everyone that works or is interested in foreign affairs.


Description of the training

As an organization with over 10 years of experience in educating world leaders we take a special pride in our Diplomatic Protocol training. Having the content of the training prepared by a professional and adjusted over the course of years and tailored to specific needs, we are confident it will benefit the participants.

The protocol rules are universal as fixed in Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. However diplomatic practice varies in different capitals.

The main focus of the course is on the practical part of diplomatic protocol: rules of protocol order, hosting of foreign delegations, contacts of the Heads of Missions and diplomats with Polish officials on the government and local level, organizing visits, writing proper diplomatic correspondence. It also provides the participants with knowledge on the role of different members of the diplomatic network and the way to address them. Last, but not least, common mistakes and the best ways to avoid them will be analyzed and discussed during the course.


Content of the training

  • role of the Diplomatic Protocol in Poland and some other countries of the EU,
  • organisation of foreign visits (state, official, working and private) in Poland,
  • logistics of the visits,
  • diplomatic, official and business receptions and other events,
  • precedence of institutions and personalities in Poland,
  • position of the Heads of Foreign Missions in Poland,
  • diplomatic contacts on government and local level (vojvodes, towns, counties etc)
  • diplomatic and consular priviliges and immunities in Poland,
  • contacts with police officers; airport security controls; VIP treatment etc’
  • diplomatic correspondence, greetings, condolences, invitations,
  • cultural differences and diplomatic faux-pases.

Target group

The training is dedicated for diplomatic corps (protocol officers, ambassadors’ secretaries etc) as well as institutions, both private and public, that would like to expand their knowledge about diplomatic protocol practice in Poland. It is also open for everyone that is interested in this matter, even if it is not yet linked with his professional path.


The training’s curriculum has been prepared especially for EAD by the trainer and will combine lecture with the elements of workshops: discussion, case studies.

Goals of the training

The goals of the course include:

  • sharing the application of the basics of diplomatic protocol in Poland and EU, its role and place,
  • preparing the participants for smooth cooperation with Polish partners in organizing and hosting visits,
  • giving the participants the understanding of the roles of Heads of Foreign Missions and Diplomatic Corps in Poland,
  • providing the participants with the tools required in the diplomatic world.

Training results

Participants at the end of the training will:

  • have gained and expanded their knowledge on the role of diplomatic protocol
  • be aware of the rules of precedency and its practical use
  • know how to prepare and organize visits
  • get to know the rules of diplomatic correspondence and its common mistakes


  • Experienced trainer – Ambassador Jan Wojciech Piekarski
  • Possibility of one-on-one consults with the trainer
  • Educational materials included in the price of the training
  • Coffee breaks in-between different topics
  • Training in the city center, in the proximity of Metro Politechnika
  • 10 years of experience in diplomatic education
  • European Academy of Diplomacy Certificate