Academy of Young Diplomats – Main Round Admissions are open now!
Main Round Admissions to the new edition of the Academy of Young Diplomats 2021/2022* is open! Launched in 2004, the European Academy of Diplomacy’s flagship program, the Academy of Young Diplomats (AYD), is looking for its next promotion of promising young leaders.
Participants will attend 140 hours of hands-on diplomatic training, special workshop sessions, study visits, and leadership lectures with renowned professionals in a perfect combination of theory and practice, acquiring the necessary tools to pursue a successful diplomatic career. International Experts and VIPs – former Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Presidents, Prime Ministers, and senior diplomats – will be sharing their knowledge and experience with a meticulously chosen cohort of approximately 130 students.
To further deepen their understanding of the professional world, our Young Diplomats will follow one of our three specialization paths – International Organisations, International Security and Foreign Service –, taking the opportunity to dig into concrete issues of the global scene.
The program’s hybrid format, with 4 online sessions and 4 in-person sessions organized in Warsaw and Krakow, will allow for connections with international leaders worldwide via online modules, eventually integrating the students into a huge network of professionals that includes our very active Alumni Club.
At the end of the program, our young leaders will be issued an Executive Diploma in the Art of Diplomacy delivered by the European Academy of Diplomacy.
Learn more about the program here: http://bit.ly/aboutayd
Apply here: http://bit.ly/AYDapply
In case of any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the AYD Team at academy@diplomats.pl.
With more than 3000 graduates coming from over 60 countries, the Academy of Young Diplomats brings together the international leaders of tomorrow. Will you be one of them?
*Partner Fundacja PZU
#AYD #FutureLeaders