Women & Leadership

The Women & Leadership is a weeklong program with the aim to shape the next generation of women leaders – assertive, empowered, and self-confident – capable of overcoming the systematic barriers which prevent them from fully realizing their potential of positively impacting their communities and countries. Women & Leadership is designed specifically for those young professionals and emerging leaders; women who have already shown both a leadership potential and ambition.


The Women & Leadership is a practical-skills focused workshop that combines theory, practice and simulation. The program will focus on empowering women in three core areas: personal leadership, organizational leadership, and empowering leadership.

Personal Leadership

The foundation of becoming a community leader is firstly becoming a leader for yourself (leading yourself). The Personal Leadership block will focus on improving skills that will directly increase the participants’ levels of self-confidence and assertiveness:

• Public Speaking & Presentation Skills
• Conflict Negotiations
• Fundamentals of Leadership

Organizational Leadership

The Organizational Leadership block builds on the participants’ personal leadership skills, moving the focus from the self to the organization, providing both soft skills and hard knowledge on how to make a positive impact on the organization:

• Building & Managing Teams
• Project/Time Management
• Fundraising for Social Causes
• Conducting Social Media Campaigns

Empowering Leadership

The empowered woman empowers other around them, and it is this that the EAD believes is the most important contribution a woman leader can make in her society: mentoring the next generation of woman leadership within the community. The Empowering Leadership block will teach participants how to pass on knowledge to other women through coaching:

• Fundamentals of Coaching

International Women & Leadership Conference

The culmination of the program will be a one-day conference on International Women & Leadership, a chance for participants of the Women & Leadership program to give a short presentation on the state of women’s affairs in their country, as well as an opportunity to network and meet with successful representatives from both the diplomatic and international business community.


The Women & Leadership is a custom designed program for emerging women leaders from developing and young democracies in Eurasia, North Africa and Middle East. The ideal candidate will have a proven track history of involvement and engagement within their community, demonstrating a leadership potential and desire to take an active role in positively shaping the world around them. Candidates will be recruited from the EADs global network of contacts and alumni, to include the Council of Europe, the Community of Democracies, foreign government ministries, international NGOs, and Polish embassies around the world.

The Women & Leadership is 100% scholarship initiative, ensuring that the financial means are not limiting factor and it is for this reason, we believe that this is the most important initiative of the EAD foundation, as it will reach out to those who most need skills to impact their communities, but due to their position in society, are unable to obtain them. Scholarships will be awarded to 25 of the most promising leaders from Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East to participate in this life-changing program

Recruitment for the Women & Leadership program will begin in September 2012. All applicants are requested to complete the online application form, where they will have to submit the following documents:

• CV (in Europass format)
• Letter of Motivation (focusing on the biggest challenges facing women from the applicants country and how this program will help applicants overcome these challenges)

Following the completion of the online application process, the European Academy of Diplomacy Board of Directors will conduct phone interviews with applicants. Successful applicants will be notified by phone by 31 October 2012. Women & Leadership is planned to take place at the end of November 2012.


The Women & Leadership program will be held at the European Academy of Diplomacy located in Warsaw, Poland:

European Academy of Diplomacy Ul. Oleandrow 6
00-629 Warsaw PL

Dates & Applications

To be confirmed.