Joanna Sozańska
Program Coordinator, Visegrad School of Political Studies
PhD Candidate at the Warsaw School of Economics. Joanna Sozańska graduated from Jagiellonian University, faculty Middle Eastern Studies and she is a Master’s student of International Relations. She received scholarships Erasmus+ Programme in The Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Turkey. She is laureate of the 2nd edition of TopMinds Programme by Polish-U.S. Fulbright […]
Jeffrey D. Sachs
Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary General, Professor at Columbia University
Jadwiga Emilewicz
Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology of the Republic of Poland
Appointed as Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Development in November 2015. In 1999–2002, worked in the Department of Foreign Affairs at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. In 2009, became the Director of the Museum of Polish People’s Republic (PRL) in Kraków. Is a councillor in the regional assembly of Małopolskie Voivodeship and […]
Jacek Bartosiak
Director of Wargaming Studies and Simulations at Pulaski Foundation
Jacek Bartosiak, PhD, is Director of the Wargaming Studies and Simulations Programme at Pułaski Foundation. Jacek Bartosiak is an expert in geopolitics, military strategy and modern warfare, holds position of Senior Fellow at The Potomac Foundation in Washigton D.C. that is concerned with strategic simulations and wargaming modern operational concepts for the armed forces.
Justyna Gromysz
Lektor języka polskiego
Od dziesięciu lat nauczycielka języka polskiego jako obcego w środowisku akademickim, dyplomatycznym i korporacyjnym absolwentka filologii polskiej. Prywatnie lubiąca bieganie, taniec, podróże i górskie wędrówki.
Jerzy M. Nowak
Jan Wojciech Piekarski
Head of the Council, Ambassador to Pakistan (1984 - 1989), Belgium & Luxembourg (1998 - 2002) & Israel (2003 - 2006)
Jarosław Ćwiek-Karpowicz
Stosunki międzynarodowe na obszarze poradzieckim
Kierownik Biura Badań i Analiz w Polskim Instytucie Spraw Międzynarodowych. Adiunkt w Zakładzie Badań Wschodnich w Instytucie Nauk Politycznych UW. We wcześniejszych latach koordynator programu ds. Europy Wschodniej i Południowo-Wschodniej w Polskim Instytucie Spraw Międzynarodowych. Studiował nauki polityczne na uniwersytetach w Warszawie, Moskwie i Strasbourgu.
Jason Worlledge
Community of Democracies. Governing Council Coordinator
Community of Democracies, Governing Council Coordinator
Jerzy M. Nowak
Permanent Representative to IAEA, UN & UNIDO (1992 - 1997), NATO & WEU (2002 - 2007), Ambassador to Spain (2000 - 2002)
Jan Wojciech Piekarski
Head of the EAD Council of Ambassadors, Ambassador to Pakistan (1984-1989), Belgium and Luxembourg(1998 - 2002) & Israel (2003 - 2006)
Joanna Urbanek
Office Manager
Joanna Urbanek is the graduate of the Institute of Applied Social Sciences at the Warsaw University specializing in NGOs. In the years 2010-2014 she was working as a charities administrator at the Saint Christopher Oncological Hospice Foundation. Afterwards, she has been employed at the Royal Bank of Scotland as the AML Analyst (UK area). Since […]