Personal Branding and Social Media


Zuzanna Mazurek
Communications Specialist, Consultant, Coach & Trainer


If you want to succeed in your professional career, you need to build your brand. Research shows that individuals with a developed brand maximize their employability and secure greater lifetime achievements. Some say that everyone has a personal brand. Yet, rarely people are aware of it and thus hardly any manage it in a strategical, consistent and effective way.

One thing is to learn the ways and techniques to build a strong brand. Yet another to know exactly what kind of brand you want to become and as such be perceived. During the training we will look at the „how” part. But we will also work on the kinds of brands you may want to be with the help of marketing tools that the biggest and most successful brands on the commercial market use. As building a personal brand in the 21st century cannot be achieved without communicating in the social media, we will also make sure you get a clear picture on how to benefit from all the good that this channel gives you.

So, whether you want to advance your career, be promoted or get a dream job, now is the time to start building your brand as it will pay off in the future.