


Visegrad School of Political Studies – Bratislava Session

On 16 – 18 July the Visegrad School of Political Studies and our partner, the Slovak Atlantic Commission, are hosting the 3rd session of 2014 Visegrad School of Political Studies. Participants are  being introduced to different topics such as V4 Foreign Policy, V4 Cooperation in EU, Cyber Security Training, EU Battle Group Development, and Mediation. […]

By EAD | News

First round of recruitment for the 11th edition of the Academy of Young Diplomats

The European Academy of Diplomacy is happy to announce that the first round of recruitment for the upcoming edition of the Academy of Young Diplomats is closed. The Recruitment Committee chose 80 best candidates from 180 applications we received. We are also proud to announce the names of three scholarship recipients awarded by the Casimir […]

By EAD | News

Visegrad School of Political Studies Meets Eastern Partnership

The first  edition of the 2014 Visegrad School of Political Studies  – Eastern Partnership has just concluded in the capital of Poland, Warsaw. During the week-long program, outstanding individuals  from Visegrad Region and Eastern Partnership countries  had a unique chance to learn about V4 experience in transition and cooperation, grassroots movements that lead to the […]

By EAD | News

Alumni Gathering in Toruń

The European Academy of Diplomacy begins its 10 year anniversary celebrations this weekend with ouralumni gathering which will be held in Toruń, 27-29 June 2014. The annual event gathers alumni from 10 editions of the Academy of Young Diplomats plus international participants who have taken part in one of our many international training programs, like […]


10th edition of the Academy of Young Diplomats

The European Academy of Diplomacy is happy to announce the completion of the 10th edition of the Academy of Young Diplomats and welcome a new group of alumni to the EAD family. Over 8 sessions, 200 participants of the Academy of Young Diplomats met with distinguished international leaders, developed soft skills and focused on one […]

By EAD | News

Open training “Intercultural communication”

We invite you to an open training “Intercultural Communication”, which will be held on 13 October 2014. The aim of the training is presenting of the role of culture and its impact on functioning, communication among workers and partners from different cultures. In the workshop we refer to the challenges occurring on the crossroads of […]

By EAD | News