Effective meetings

Course overview:

The course is specifically tailored for professionals pursuing careers in the fields of business, administration and diplomacy and provides its participants with the know-how needed to effectively chair and participate in a variety of different kinds of meetings from formal to informal ones. Personal nature and a flexible formula of the course combined with experienced lecturers ensure maximum effectiveness in the acquisition of knowledge.


Key topics:

  • the skill of setting an agenda
  • pre-meeting preparation
  • the differences between formal and informal meetings
  • working with advisers and secretariats
  • the concepts of “deadlines”, “lines to take” and “red lines”
  • cultural differences in negotiating and “plain speaking”
  • gathering support for one’s position
  • Chatham House Rule
  • Art of dealing with conflicts and lack of consensus
  • Use of diplomatic skills such as the constructive ambiguity
  • When to “call it a day”
  • Case study – how to get your nominee appointed for a position


Learning methodology:

The course takes a balanced approach, with theory and practice complementing each other to facilitate the learning experience. The program is highly interactive in nature, based on a mixture of lectures and hand-on components. Case studies and active engagement of the students to demonstrate gained knowledge in practical context ensures maximum benefit for all the participants.


Program benefits:

Upon the completion of the program, the participants will:

  • acquire the ability to maximize the effectiveness of a meeting in the position of both chair and participant
  • gain the know-how of agenda and pre-meeting preparation
  • significantly elevate the professionality of their behaviour during meetings
  • master the meeting-connected concepts